September 2020 20
Coding-how hard can it be?
Posted By : Samantha
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Despite what people think coding is not difficult to learn and with time and determination anyone can learn the coding necessary to write simple programmes. There are some programming languages that are easier to learn

August 2020 15
Is it ever a good idea to use a smart phone as your computer?
Posted By : Samantha
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Most people have a mobile device of some description in their possession with the majority having a smartphone that is able to access the internet, but can a phone ever replace a computer or laptop

July 2020 15
Should I sign up for a website development course?
Posted By : Samantha
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Opting for a career in web development has become a popular choice for many young people in recent times and so a website development course can be ideal for those seeking to understand websites and

June 2020 06
Computer programming as a career choice
Posted By : Samantha
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The majority of young people are extremely computer literate and use technology every day but for some the interest goes beyond simply being a user of computers or an internet gamer and for them the