When it comes to website work it can be very easy to fall into the trap of paying over the odds for your web development and marketing work. With the genial pubic not always having the knowledge to know how long something will take, you need to be able to trust that the agency you use is only charging you for the time it takes.
Often the only way you can know this is by reading reviews and speaking to existing clients about the charges they set. You may also want to ask for a quote from a number of different companies to see what they all charge. When obtaining quotes off several companies, it may be hard to compare like for like as unlike when you are buying a physical product, there may be small differences in the quotes that alter the price. For example, some companies may give you a price for a site based on a brief but have also included Search Engine Optimisation
Often results speak for themselves and if they can prove to you the work they have done and the success they have achieved for their clients, then it may come above small fluctuations in prices.
- April
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Is your web agency charging you too much?